Saturday, April 16, 2016

The U.S. Justice System

I use to believe in the U.S. justice system. It's all a crock of shit, people.
Lawyers are not in the business of what is right or wrong. They are in the business of winning.
Winning means big money to them through their hapless clients. But it's not their fault. They simply allow the sad sacks to pour into their office. The system REQUIRES you have someone represent you.

I've been in a case where I rep'd myself and the other side had a lawyer. They simply didn't want to hear my point of view. They simply heard their side of the case, and I said but two words. On top of everything else, the judge is incahoots with the lawyers. Why wouldn't they? They constantly see their fat bloated faces at the golf course or cigar bar. I've infiltrated local cigar haunts and overheard the craziest situation.

The best part is that the courts require that we play by their rules. Let's say...the government requires it. This system is a JOKE. But no one wants to tell the king has no clothes on. They throw all of us into some random pot and what they pick is what looks like a jury.

No, it's a peanut gallery for beggars. Yes, lawyers on behalf of their clients are beggars. The intimidating "halls of justice" make you believe they are official. But it's really made out of paper. If they would ever be honest with themselves they'd admit it was all a business. They rely on the fact that the American citizens cannot get along with one another. They EXPECT integrity but give none in return. What is their core? The fact that they can interpret language to bend it to their beliefs. This doesn't work. A panel of well educated judges should ALWAYS be the final word. Not us, joe-schmoe idiots who are more worried about our rent, food and living expenses then millionaires battling each other out. So, that's when the lawyers beg, like pathetic dogs. This sense of power to a guy in a suit (whilst I just tore a shirt I've had since high school), is intoxicating to dummies. I control the small fate of this lawyer, who may be on his fourth divorce. What did I exactly get prior to this. A tenderizing. Seriously. It's the MOST abusive languishing finger-on-forehead tapping torture you can imagine. It's going over re-treaded ground until you can't even grow rocks anymore. These fucking asshole lawyers are whipping a dead dog, going home to rest and coming back to whip it the next day. I am officially done. If I am held in contempt of court, so be it. I'm so done with this system of "justice." There was no crime in my case. There was interpretation. And they both have a point. The jury's decision is to figure out who was "more right." Makes me want to puke. Mediation would've solved this and saved tax payers time. THIS is really the sole reason L.A. gets a bad rap. Justice has no common sense. AND...AND they're proud of it! The letter of the law is interpreted like some document...oh...say...the Bible. I could tell you Jesus swam a channel, you'd say he walked on water. If you had a better argument, you'd convince humanity (which, I believe is what happened, some fucking lawyer argued Jesus walked on water).

I hate the system, spit on it, and wish it would die. But then what? You ask. It's simple, the justice system doesn't need us. The public are morons. I know, I'm in the trenches. I was NEVER trained to deal with these matters. Neither is anyone else in the pool I was in. They give a very brief instruction, and that's what constitutes justice. They want us to discount common sense and follow the words on a sheet of paper. That's right, turn your common sense side off and interpret the law based on your...few minutes you were explained what the law is. Really?

Okay, I'm done whining. I will finally say, the criminal side probably works differently (take OJ out of the equation). I think in these terms, we can generally tell right from wrong. And maybe my rant here could be construed as NOT knowing right from wrong. Which really reinforces my original point. See how that works?

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