Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Peter Liang- EX-NYCPD No Jail Time

Officer Liang was charged with manslaughter of a man who was just sitting around near the stairwell when he entered "the projects."

People are going to go nuts. Black people will go nuts. Not all. But some. Enough.

First off, the officer didn't go into the projects wanting to kill anyone. It's a scary fucking job/place for anyone, let alone a man in uniform, let alone an Asian guy in uniform. Second, there is such a thing as an accident. He was slapped with criminal negligence, for which this grieving family will be compensated by the city and everyone is happy. Except for the dead guy. Shame, yes...intentional NOOOOOOOOO! God, people these days make everything about themselves. Cop hated Black people so he killed him intentionally. I didn't get the job because I have yellow skin. This is narcissistic behavior and it has to stop. We are not victims, you fucking assholes. You're so self-absorbed you don't realize that people can be stupid. A man was wrongfully killed. It was an accident. Lawyers get involved (as I've recently experienced) put a bug in the person's ear and it's a cash grab. That's where we've come to. And it sickens me.

Same as Hillary Clinton's $33,000/dinner vs. Bernie's $27. To prove a point, we realize politics have never been about its people. Something needs to happen to people who take that much for campaigns. Their excuse is that they need money to win. Not if we find out how much you really need.

So, people...please...get off your high horse and I'll get off my soap box.

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