Wednesday, November 11, 2015

"Friday The 13th part 3: 3D" (1982)

Boy was this movie prescient, in terms of latching onto the 3D thing decades before it is now, practically a standard. I wish I would’ve been able to see this in the theater in 80’s 3D. I’m sure it was corny. Because they shot the movie corny. Things coming towards camera. There was no reason, but they did it anyway. Like a clothes line rod jammed right towards you.
Let’s not be fooled this movie is bad. But I would say it’s maybe the 2nd best of the ones that are made. Because it’s the first time you see him with the hockey mask. And the characters aren’t completely dumb. Plus, they give you obnoxious characters you WANT Jason to kill. A fat dumb jew-fro’d guy, a promiscuous couple, a couple attempting to re-kindle a romance, a cock tease, a biker gang and a hippie dope smoking couple.
SO what did I like about this movie? It’s a lot of atmosphere. 80’s atmosphere. It’s not a bad thing this takes place around a lake. But we rarely see the lake, by the way. Doesn’t matter. I think this has to do with continuing the same template left before the first one to the second. You get the feeling like they just took the script of the first one and changed ONE thing. It happens at the end, and makes sense to the franchise. If I were to watch this in the 80’s era, it would make perfect sense. Nowadays, it’s trite. The violence is outdated. You could show most of what these guys did on basic cable now. The movie is most effective since it is really cheap looking (for a studio picture). The acting is God awful. But who cares? It supplements the killings. In fact, I think the story gets in the way of the horror. But it’s fun enough, and well worth a watch, in terms of the entire library of “Friday the 13th” movies.

Also, for a bit of trivia,...there is an odd sub-story of how Chris (the girl who returns to the cabin) got attacked by a mongoloid...and is haunted by that enough to leave the camp area for years (even though she looks exactly like she does in present time). This was because it was a carryover from if they used Amy Steel, the lone survivor from part 2.


  1. Cool trivia! Yeah, I like this one too. I rank it 2nd to FRIDAY THE 13th: THE FINAL CHAPTER...which is not the final one at all - another 8 have followed it so far.

    1. It's funny that the only one I own is the Final Chapter, even though I have the softest spot for VI, cuz a dude gets bent in half.
