Wednesday, November 25, 2015

ANOTHER Frankenstein movie?

When I saw the trailer to this car wreck, I just paused and wanted to scream a few things. Yes, Hollyweird, we're fucking too cheap to pay someone with an original thought to make shit up. But this tale is told so many times from so many angles (even at one point from the actual writer of the most popular one "Mary Shelley's Frankenstein" that it's just exhausted its reach. This one is called "Victor Frankenstein" as if you gave a flying shit about who created the monster.

I don't remember who first said it, but these movies seems to really speak to executives for a few's exceptionally cheap (as they own the rights) and it's a story about murdering prostitutes and using their skin to make a monster. Then the monster acts like...a monster. Seems about the gist of what we deal with in this town.

So, please for the love of God. I pray this movie loses so much money you can't flip a switch and lighting strike it. doesn't seem like anyone gives a shit about this story. At least wait 30 years. Incidentally, this story was written by a girl in her teens. Imagine giving that attention to a girl now. Which could explain Bieber. Hopefully these monsters do end up killing their maker.

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