Monday, July 20, 2015

Residual Effects Of Filmmaking

On the last day of shooting my short film, I was on top of a hill and backing up with the 50 lbs. camera when I tripped over something metal stuck in the ground. Initial instinct was to save the camera. So I fell backwards. Unaware there may've been more metal around me. The camera's magazine knocked me in the head, and the weight to of the camera and magazine pinned me to a ground. Now, at one point in my life, I was able to bench press 200 lbs. For whatever reason, call it shock, this was too much. Finally another crewmember came over and took a bit of the weight off me. Enough to slide past it.

A week later, I feel what it actually did to me. I can't move my neck and it's hard to lift myself up from bed. At first I wondered if I was suffering from some bone deficient disease/injury. It took a co-worker to suggest that a fall like that, your adrenaline pumps added with the stress probably caused this to be more residual and upfront pain. So, a few weeks later the pain really presents itself. I think the same thing occurs when you go through a car accident. You don't really get the pain until your body powers down a little from the endorphins your body shoots out in order for it to brace itself. And it made sense.

I mean it makes more sense since it makes me feel better that it wasn't just so disease that I'll die from. It is massively painful though. But...such is art.

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