Saturday, December 27, 2014

"The Interview" vs. North Korea

I know I’ve said I wouldn’t go all political but…

How stupid are we with North Korea and “The Interview”?

I just watched the news and saw a bunch of people coming out of the theater saying “we won’t let people tell us what we can or can’t watch. This is a win for artistic freedom.”


In what fucking world have we gotten where we believe North Korea gives a FLYING FUCK about us? Seriously. They keep their people in the dark. Brain wash their population to loyalty to the nation. They don’t care about us. Just think…in what capacity does a movie about the assassination of Kim Un become a true threat, especially two bumbling clowns like Franco & Rogen? They aren’t. More than likely, no one in that country will ever watch it. Shit, they probably couldn’t identify Marilyn Monroe in a line-up. They don’t care about us.

Yes, there was a breach of security at Sony. And executive Amy Pascal got nailed for harsh emails. So fucking what? We all have dark thoughts, and express them to people to vent. IF you were judged by your thoughts, you’d be fucked. Should she have sent them to other execs? No. But it’s her business and we shouldn’t give a flying shit. We already know people are shit. This is the cynicism you’ve created. Anyone who believes there is good in people to do the right thing when the wrong thing is on the tip of their tongue. That’s on them. Listen, I know people say shit about me. I say shit about others. Some I consider friends. Others are just busybody dummies who have wasted life. My thing is, shred that much time to talk shit about others and worry about what I should be doing in life. The more I talk about others, the less I feel I’m doing for myself. Train yourself to worry about your own shit. IF people are talking shit about you, you’re probably doing something right.

And without sounding too douchey…apparently North Korea (remaining silent) is doing everything right, ‘cause we’re talking about them.

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