Wednesday, January 20, 2016

All Politicians Suck Mass Ass

Here comes the election. And the mudslinging. Not really surprising. Or is the begging and pleading to show how much one candidate loves America more than the other. This is pandering to the dumbest of the dumb. Since most Americans LOVE having being sucked up to. It’s such horseshit. We have no brains to decide based on the real internal garbage that goes on. The truth is, it takes money to get elected. You know what else? I’m convinced it’s to show Americans…that if they love our country, they won’t be investigated (as much) for where their money for the campaign came from. See, a man who works for you, can’t be crooked…right?
SO I have a solution for these politicians that supposedly love America. Let’s just see how much you love this country and that you have our best interest in mind. The day after you are elected President…the VERY FIRST act is to do military time on the front lines of our most recent war. That’s right. Pick up a fucking weapon and prove that you are on our side. Can you imagine the respect you’d get? It use to be that Presidents did military service. Shit, you’re the Commander In Chief. I would think you’d have to know how the military works.
You’re probably thinking “well shooting someone in war doesn’t prove someone wants to be Prez.” Yeah, but being shot at for your country sure means you have some feeling for it.
See, I’m sick of people like Trump, Cruz, Clinton, Sanders…all these assholes who claim to love America. And the most they can do is send people to their deaths. The position has changed slightly to a guy who can balance a checkbook rather than defend the free world. It would be bad-ass for a Prez to be that way. Schwarzenegger would get far…if he was born in this country. Because even the perception of being a badass gets your pretty far. As it stands now, all we get are salesman’s, eager to tell us what we want to hear to get our votes that don’t matter.

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