Sunday, May 31, 2020

Oppressing The Oppressor By Being An Oppressor

Surprisingly, I drew the ire of a distant friend when I posted how if you believe that staying neutral makes you complicit and siding with the oppressors, that statement is ironically oppressive. She didn't care for that statement and gave me a Facebook page full. Calling me "white washed" "model minority" and to "shut my stupid mouth" before she cowardly blocked and unfriended me.

To be fair, I don't really remember her. I had to check back on our relationship and found out she had invited me to a photoshoot to which I'd gone on a hike into Pasadena's mountain area. Where there was a water fall. And to be honest, can't even remembered what she look like. Only this fact: she is also Asian. Filipina to be precise. And to the Asian community, that is (in their class system) like how Spaniards see Mexicans.
I don't recall any of our previous conversations either. She got really heated that I would even state this, and that I made the statement about myself. That is incorrect. And poor comprehension. What that was was to draw light to a very ridiculous statement of siding with an oppressor because you have no opinion. And if you mention that, than you are without humanity because you don't care about them. That is the worst. Because I guarantee you I care more than her. She just wanted to be angry and outrage and vent. She is an angry activist who most likely believed destroying a private business is the solution. She could care less about how they are going to survive. See how that works?
But you can't rationalize with crazy. And she had to get it all out.
What hit home was being accused of being "White washed." Which is a way to say that I accepted
"White culture and want Whitey to like me" Hard to argue, since I grew up with Whitey. But am not White. And, trust me, I was reminded daily. Also by the Blacks. In Ohio, they had a common punching

Any ways, I wasn't THAT offended. Only what she meant by it. But to me, that makes her deeply bigoted and clueless to boot. See, if you believe there is a "White culture" you are an idiot. There is "American culture" walking around in flip flops and a bowl of rice with chopsticks. Stupid bitch. That's cultural appropriation. I was surrounded by White people doing White things. And have been influenced by them and have deep memories with them. And so forth. OR COURSE, I'd identify more with that specific American culture. So, it seems, in her mind...embrace the inner Asian. She has zero idea how bigoted THAT sounds. Like...doing only what Asian people do. Or, specifically, Taiwanese. I do, by the way, it's in the DNA. A lot of small things I can't escape. However, in her mind, she's boxing my culture in. That is equivalent to the ever abrasive request where when they know I can speak my own language they say "say "how are you doing?" in Taiwanese. C'mon say it!" See how annoying that is?
I JUST met another Asian girl recently whom we spoke openly about this. She is, by nature, very Lefty. But not annoying about it. We discuss heated topics and LISTEN. Lefty's have a horrible way of not comprehending a different perspective. I don't know about Righties, because I just assume they're thick as concrete. But Lefty's are slow on the uptake with different ideas. Mostly because they are on a crusade. Regardless of ignoring their own bad behavior. Well, she believes Blacks are disproportionately targeted by police than Whites. I contend they need to change that culture through...respect and building a reputation of bettering society. That a disproportionate amount of Blacks distrust police and are combative when they're caught in a crime. Petty or otherwise. Look, if I were running this protest I'd combine a few things. I'd have cops harassing bankers as they leave the buildings. Pull them over and make them walk the plank. That's what I'd do. Because they're the true criminals. But those crimes aren't violent. And, even Mr. Floyd seem to grasp that violent crime within young Black men shouldn't be tolerated. Suppose Miss Manilla would consider that too "White washed" of an idea.

So, in short, fuck this idiot for calling me on my culture. I am an American. And my contribution to the George Floyd cause is to say to the police "there is no skin color. We are Americans. Go fuck with the bankers for a while."

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