Friday, November 30, 2018

Jim Acosta is a Fucking Tool And An Enemy To Press

CNN "reporter" Jim Acosta seemed to be really shocked when his White House press badge was confiscated for asking Trump about something he didn't want to talk about.
To make matters worse, Acosta wouldn't hand over the mic when a White House intern attempted to take the mic away.
Bro, you aren't a journalist at that point, you are an activist.
Now I'm all for freedom of speech, despite what Yahoo and all other media attempts to prevent. Yes, you fucking shitheads obviously side with Leftist bullshit, which create people like me. Perhaps that is your end game. Truth, people like Acosta don't give a flying fuck about the public or the truth. He got his limelight and is most likely jerking off to his own image.

Obama had confiscated press badges in the past with little to no outrage. Why? You know why. He got away with a lot. The one that comes to mind is allowing a 12 year old Muslim fuck into the White House when he clearly made a bomb. The outrage was quickly doused by the press since...well, he certainly felt it reasonable to asses the fucking retarded kid for making a bomb and bringing it to school. Dude, it was a bomb and meant to fuck with people. I would've gave him more points for admitting so. But Jive Barry took time off his busy schedule to clarify that it wasn't a bomb and that it was a clock. Yeah, I take his word for it. So don't give me any jive about whether or not it was a bomb or clock. That punk fuck knew what it was. Just made you look more stupid for saying it wasn't. Most definitely lost my respect for the Oval office.

That said, I do find it strange that CNN is so backpedaling on its stance on "the truth" when it doesn't dare rock the boat on blasting Nancy Pelosi and the old Dems still wanting her to be the Speaker. Find it funny actually, considering they're going right down the same path that put their most hated Orange fella there in the first place. Hey, didn't work the first time. A new film came out called "The Front Runner" which places a little bit of blame on the media for sensationalizing Gary Hart's run for the presidency. Hart quit after a massive media scandal attempted to derail him first. That makes him a coward. And, pretty sure no one wants to see a movie about a spineless turd. That was run by The Washington Post, a liberal rag. So, Leftist, here's a clue...the media was what fucked you in the first place. The fuck do you want to lean on them now? They are now and have been for a long time entertainment, and that is all they are. Why do they put pretty people in there anyway? It's acting, dummies. If you believe the media or press, you are fucking retarded. Don't believe this blog either, think for yourself.

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