Friday, November 23, 2018

Thanksgiving 2018

What are you grateful for?
To me, everything. Family friends and just being able to eat a good meal at a favorite restaurant. Though I'm more sluggish these days with being tired...I press forward in my goal to help people with THEIR goals. I think that's a goal.
Some people don't listen though. That's their choice. I have a friend now who has overextended his lifestyle beyond anything I can afford. I have a full time job and do a little bit of side work to supplement my living. This person is living real tight on money. But he also refuses to live any less. Or rather, doesn't see how he could. This is perplexing at the logic level, but does make sense when you unpack it.

When I lived in Sherman Oaks, I had two other roommates. Then it became one. I took over the payments of that other room and used it as storage. The money was tight, but I enjoyed paying for it if it meant my camera gear didn't have to be in storage. It's a lot for a somewhat young person to take over. At the time I was also heavily drinking, so it was a poor financial decision.
But through ten years living in that apartment, there were so many flakes and weirdos and friends and girlfriends and parties and...memories. All which I am grateful for, since it was the full experience. That said, I can see why most people who get into entertainment don't want to grow up. Most don't. To be honest. The country had to force it on us, to take responsibility for our bad behavior of sexual harassment. When Hollywood went corporate, we all had to "adult-up" But to be perfectly clear, there are many many people who transitioned easier than our party generation. This new Millenials seem like douchebags, which they are, but they're also ridiculous responsible (except for my nephew). The people getting into the movie business now seem so lacking of humor. They are laser focused to conquer. I THINK I remember being that uber-serious. But I can't remember. I'm sure a Baby Boomer took a look at me on set and thought I was just a jackass. Hard to say.

But Thanksgiving isn't about how we murdered those savage Indians for the better. Because, we benefited from genocide. It's to remind ourselves that we are better off NOT being Indians. Or something like that.

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