Thursday, November 29, 2018

20 Tips On How To Stop Boozing

A friend contacted me last night about how to get her friend to sober up...because she just hit two D.U.I.s

I suggested a few things, perhaps something here can help...

1) write everything down. If you've ever read my earlier blogs, it's mostly gibberish. Because I was sobering up. Your anxiety shoots up to a million and it has to go somewhere. Why not write?

2) Forget Alcoholics Anonymous. While championed to hold a monopoly on the cure to booze, I don't think it helps too many people out. Check out the recidivism rate for real facts.

3) now that you have free time NOT being boozy, the worst is filling up that time. How about making a list of things you want to buy with the money you save. Notice I didn't say "buy shit." Most people buy a ton of shit when they shake loose addiction. Don't. Just make a list. It does feel good.

4) Read and actual book. I would read celebrity bios. They're entertaining mostly because they speak about their own addictions. Don't read any on the Rat Pack. Obvious reason there.

5) Make something. Look, once you quit drinking you're going to be REALLY boring. Or at least think you are. Most people aren't that interesting sober.

6) remember writing? Write out a piece of dialogue you had drunk...IF you can remember

7) Hang out with sober friends. Drinking friends can return to your life, but not before you dry out yourself and don't have the craving for booze.

8) replace the sugar you lost. You know, in the 60's (I think) there was something called "The Wine Diet" which essentially used wine to lose weight. Once you lose a lot of your body's reliance on sugar, you will gain weight in other ways. Being antsy causes one to eat salty snacks. Being fat is better than having a busted liver.

9) call someone. For the most part, you'll be going through this alone. It sucks. I can't sugar coat it. Once you sit on your couch twiddling your thumbs about no more access to booze, it gets very lonely. Reach out to an old friend. Talk about it. There is no longer shame in your weakness.

10) Don't EVER say you quit drinking. The word "quit" to a lot of prideful people means giving up. And that spirals into drinking again. I've been to bars recently to (essentially) babysit a friend who still drinks. I look around and realize it's a VERY social thing. I saw big titted women who drank to feel less inhibited (if you can believe that). You never quit, you just get back to it if you want.

11) Eat healthier, if you can. Carrot sticks are good. Keeps your mouth busy. Also drinking soda water. It fills the void of the motion of drinking. Everything is really a ritualistic thing. Eat, smoke, drink, fuck. Repeat. You take one thing away, it feels odd. Start replacing each thing if possible.

12) Read about people who've fucked up their lives over booze. Plenty of stories that scare you straight. It also might clue you into why, at the core, you drink. For me, it was the sense of inadequacy. That hasn't changed HOWEVER, what has changed is how I manage it. I stay away from people who tend to undermine your ability. In fact, fight back about that. You are never inadequate. You are you.

13) exercise. The gym has been a salvation for me. I use to drink heavy and then detox there. Now I just detox from eating Fritos.

14) Purpose. Most people drink because they feel they have no purpose. Why most of Ohio booze it up. Purpose. This cure most inadequacies.

15) Stop fooling yourself. The common thing I see most, are people who lack a ton of self awareness. OR accept it and make light of it. Yes, that's good. Except when you've become deluded. You aren't a drunk and a party animal. And because others are doing it doesn't make it more acceptable. In fact, being a unique individual means celebrating it without having to booze.

16) Holidays are the worst for not boozing. It's a time when people get together with family to drink because nothing else is going on. I get it. My oddest memory is laying underneath my parents' Christmas tree (which I'd just put up) with a handle of Clan MacGregor blitzed out. They didn't think much of it, which is odd. This is the hardest scenario to dodge booze. I would suggest leaning towards the grandparents or better yet, leave. You really have no clue how boring a party is until you stop drinking.

17) Pinpoint your anger. I've been an angry drunk more times than a happy one. Here's what I see, you people who are happy drunks are more miserable than angry drunks simply because you are drinking to hide inward anger. Being upset with life is normal. Accepting this pain is normal. Drinking to feel better about it is NOT. Numbing this pain only means you face it later. Or in other ways. Angry drunks are just stupid irresponsible people. Reckless behavior. In short, angry drunk=hurt others happy drunks=hurt themselves.

18) stop your excuses. If you want to drink...drink. But don't give people a reason. "Hey, it's beer thirty" or "it's 5PM somewhere." These catchphrases are for frat boys who haven't grown up. If you want a drink, just drink. The rest of that fun time banter is hiding the fact that you want to drink in the morning hours.

19) Build or fix something. I think a sense of accomplishment fulfills having a purpose. Hobbies that you can design or make with your hands gives you a lot of that. A birdhouse, oil change, repair something broken. All these things make you feel so much better. I recently fixed some issues with an old computer. That was a sense of accomplishment.

20) Go out into fresh air. I know people tell you to hike (which goes with exercise). But a simple walk somewhere foreign is kind of nice. Go to a park where you know you can just listen to a breeze blow by. Or do a road trip to the desert or to a different city and visit their local diner. When you move around, you really don't have much time to think about booze. Yes, these thoughts pop up from time to time, but the more you stay active...less focus on drinking.

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