Thursday, November 15, 2018

Value Your Craft

If I were to give advice to people who wanted to make it in the movie business, I'd say a few things.
The very first thing is "value your craft." Forget fame and fortune. Your craft is the only thing you can truly call your own, since it's really the only thing you can control.

Most young people find fame on social media. These things require very little craft and a LOT of promotion. Like Kim Khardashian who literally does nothing, if earning lots of money by showing you large ass or tits, enjoy the fruits of your labor.

I don't think this is too satisfying for those who love the skill of filmmaking or acting.
If you follow the trends, you are dead. Know who you are and what you can do.
This is not to say, Instagram models or social media influencers DON'T value their craft, but it is getting harder and harder to see that solid work pays off more than...overnight success based on nothing more than tit shots. If you don't care, as most don't seem to, then more power to you. The world can use more tits.

If you value your craft, rejection is a small set back. And boy, you are going to get some major rejections. Though not as barbaric as in my day, or worse, in the days of Cecil B. Demille, rejection is harder when you value your craft, but more rewarding when someone sees you are serious.

Ignore what is going around you unless it has to do with your craft. There are many reasons why you were rejected or accepted. A LOT of times it has very little to do with talent, but your look. Yeah, counter to what I just said. HOWEVER, the gem is when you find a person with a look AND they can act. And you are in front of the right person. That is the diamond in the rough. Be that person.

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