Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Did You Vote?! Huh? Huh? Did ya?!

Of course you did. You wore your sticker to tell the world. Also, you pestered other people the importance. Men have died in battle for people to post on social media what a civic minded person they are. Meanwhile, more than half find ways to get out of jury duty. Fuck yourselves. Also, women weren't able to vote until like 1920. Motion pictures were around 20 years before women were allowed to vote. And guess what, this many years later...society has proven us right. They vote by emotion. God forbid a woman with hot flashes or pregnant gets in a booth. Just kidding folks!

I like that Americans vote. Though, the aftermath are candidates crying about how the vote counts were wrong, or equipment malfunctioned or illegal voters are voting. Or people use dead people to vote (Democrats and episode of "The Simpsons"). It's really for the Hollywood crowd to pretend they give a shit about America. Massive Lefties out here in Los Angeles. Their sole platform was how much they hated Trump and...daylight savings time?! Yep, you read that right, there was some stupid fucking box to vote to do away with it. I only know because the fuckface gym queer told me about it. He was up in a huff (as they are) how it causes strokes and heart attacks. It's one fucking hour. For farmers. His outrage came from the fact that the way to vote for it was "think of the children." They'll have to walk in the dark. True to gay form, his response was "fuck the children." Pal, join the priesthood. Also, I wish I was joking about this dude. He's a great well for Leftist outrage and my mockery.

Glad you guys went out there and voted. I know you need all the attention you can get for issues you haven't even read.
To be fair, I haven't read them either, but I didn't fucking vote. They have people at polls now who make it simple for the dumbest illegal in this town to vote. The ticket just informs you who EXACTLY you should vote for regardless of what they stand for. Fuck Gavin Newsome! But seriously, governors in California are entertainment clowns (Schwarzenegger). Incidentally, all those fucking annoying celebrities who promoted their candidate in states they don't even live in (fucking Oprah, fucking Dave Chapelle, fucking Taylor Swift..oh wait she did). These people fucking lost. You know what that says, you self-absorbed shitheels? Your opinion HURTS a candidate. So shut your fucking faces already, you're annoying. As is Yahoo who censors Rights and promotes Lefts. Lefty brains are too small to understand they don't have to celebrity blow. Righty brains are too narrow to vote against a celeb simply because they're THIS annoying. You're annoying. That's it.
See you in 2020!

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