Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The Trump Thing

If many of you are boggled why this dude Donald Trump is president, you have only filthy scheister laywers to thank. Short answer...people are sick of politicians and lawyers. Trump is a dumbass business man. That is the real reason he continues to say and do what he does without repercussions. Because lawyers have made it intolerable. Because they are wishy-washy with the truth. Obama and Hilary are both wishy-washy with their version of the truth. Trump says what he feels and doesn't back away from it. A lot of Americans may link this to the old days of the gunslinger in the wild west where they didn't give a flying fuck what they said about anyone. Ever. And stood by it. In the Obama years, all he did was bounce back and forth. He's a phony orator like all lawyers are. Lawyers are scum. Trump is scum and he embraces it. Look at that fucking scumbag Roy Moore in Alabama. Jesus Christ was he a scumbag. And was a lawyer.
I know I'm giving Trump WAY too much credit, but has it occurred to anyone he most likely endorsed the shitbag so people would dump him?
Maybe a bit too deep for Trump.
So, look, the more you hate the guy, the more he makes you hate him. There was this annoying guy in high school that did that. He knew he was a shit, and he enjoyed annoying people. He got him attention. But, gotta like this better than listening to a lawyer.

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