Friday, December 8, 2017

Don't Use Your Own Money

This was the edict when you made movies OUTSIDE of film school. NEVER use your own money.
It struck me as strange because you are willing to gamble with others' money to fuel your goals. Devious, if you ask me.
But I understand. It's the same phrase as "don't gamble with your own money." Though, in this case, there are very few choices. You can't necessarily gamble with other people's money unless it's like sports betting. And even then.
Don't lose what you can't afford to lose.
I think about the money I spend on my own small projects. The amount adds up to a brand new car. And it's funny what people decide what to spend their money on. For me, a nickel here and there and pretty soon, it's over the tens of thousands amount. I see very little risk in it, since it's something I want to do. Compelled to do.
The other thing I do, is supplement it by other means. I do work for other people's movies for a small sum which I put into the "film kitty." And when there is enough, I use this dough to make more movies. The trade-off works well, because I'm helping other filmmakers while they fund my projects.
Obviously, this can't go on forever, but I am enjoying the freedom of not having to deal with using other people's money. The thing about that...the more money you take, the more of a beating you take. And I'm too old for that.
Interesting thing about putting anything out into the ether...
someone who had stumbled across my shorts, came up to me afterwards and told me (he worked for The Hallmark Network until they went bust: "you are a real filmmaker. I have no reason to tell you this, or blow smoke up your ass. There are plenty of people who don't have a clue who are making films, but you have it. In five years if you keep doing what you're doing, you'll be beyond them."
That was nice to hear. For our little movies that are funded out of pocket.

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