Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Stories From The Hometown

I always love reading stories from my hometown that make national news. Straight from Cincinnati, Ohio!
This one is about a lady who did a selfie with her kids in front of her husband that died of heroin overdose. The family is smiling in front of his open casket.
They look like such a perfectly family, had it not been for the dude who's lying dead. What a shame. I didn't even know Cincy had a massive drug problem nowadays until my high school friend told me about the smack problem. Shit, I thought that all ended with the grunge era. I do remember this red-headed girl in my high school that seemed to always be edgy and punchy. People said cocaine was her thing. And even then, it was whispered.

I'm not sure this changes your view on drug abuse. If I were a junkie, this smiling family wouldn't move the needle, sorta' speak. In fact, it'd probably make me want to find more to dull the pain of seeing the smiling faces of who I'd disappoint. To me, I think they're better off. Yeah, it's cruel to say, but what seems like a few years of child development may change due after that influence is no longer a part of their lives.

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