Sunday, July 19, 2020

Go Fuck Yourselves, BLM

The movement is a sham, you morons.
It empowers idiots.
Today at work, a Black tranny was posted up outside our office. Our security guard went out to get him to move. Instead, a ruckus ensued and police were called. A Black teen was out filming the entire incident and talking shit to our security guard. Calling him a "wetback." Yes, folks Black people can be bigoted. I suspect the little shit was doing so because he was also filming the incident to put online somewhere so he can start another riot.

Here's where your movement is about to cross over to real incidences...when the police arrived, they "arrested" our security guard. Want to guess why?

So this fucking tranny and the little Black piece of shit doesn't get his thugs and burn down Hollywood.

Regardless of the video being recorded of him yelling slurs at our guard, these fucking animals KNOW that this shit-ass Democrat run city will side with them. Because they hold the police hostage. Because ANY incident can be seen as "police brutality."
You stupid apes created this.
On top of that, I have friends who post about how Blacks are oppressed and so forth. From the comforts of their suburban homes. Or anywhere that is NOWHERE close to being around the Black community. THIS is the bigger problem. When my White/Asian/Other friends announce that they support BLM makes my stomach turn.
Because law abiding citizens are being harassed and these fucking apes know the police do nothing.

Our security guard came back when the tranny and the Black teen left. This is where we're at.
There is no more law. And guess what...there will be a time when it goes too far. And nice people won't be polite anymore. And the hammer will come down and eradicate the tiny population that think instigating these things won't come with consequences.
I think back when the weirdos of Hollywood would hide in the shadows and enjoy their degenerate lifestyle in peace. When the gloves come off, we'll see who is left standing.
The civilized community doesn't function well when the leaders don't enforce law. They have no clue that they aren't going to be immune to the mob. Regardless of which side.
Quiet unassuming population will defend themselves when necessary.
They know what they're doing. Hope they understand the repercussions.

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