Saturday, July 25, 2020

Black Folk Are NOT Your Problem

You know the thing with Anti-Fa? Yeah, they're terrorist and they're White. If the police, Feds and society got together, they would be pummeled to the ground and much of the looting and rioting would end. As it is, they are hijacking peaceful protest.

Black Lives Matter: The Movement is not your friend. All donations are being spread to Democrats and none go to the Black lives that actually matter. Watch and learn. None of it. And who are the real victims of all this mayhem?
Unfortunately it is poor Black community and shop owners. They are truly the in-between collateral damage that comes between people who want to destroy things in the name of what would've been a just cause. Also the police who cannot do anything because of these shithole Democrat run cities. It occurred to me that perhaps these mayors were not lying about how the protest were peaceful. They aren't talking about them then. They are talking about the rioters who hijacked their cause. The true civil war is actually between the moral and just and the people who share ideology who would attempt a change through violence and intimidation. If I were the side of just and moral, I'd say, start bashing some Anti-Fa skulls. It's actually legal. Because they are terrorists. And they won't be able to explain why they got their heads kicked in. Anarchist don't deserve justice because they don't respect society. They attack in hordes. Because they're pussies.
The Black community needs to speak up against these assholes who are making them look bad.

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