Sunday, August 28, 2016

Tattoos In Hollywood

Not that midget from “Fantasy Island”
When you are starting out in the movie business or even considering it, here’s something to consider. Don’t get tattoos. Unless you’re attempting to be gang. And even then, they’ll cover yours up and put in their own.
The simple fact is…Hollywood is probably the only place you won’t get a job PURELY on looks. Too fat, skinny, short, tall…what other business allows that? Therefore, your “cool” ink’d art will most likely get you out of a job. Because they think you’re a piece of shit. Which I think you’re piece of shit. Men, women, children, doesn’t matter the tattoo question is null and void. I had this argument a while back…it’s an expression of someone else’s art…not your own. Think about it…you can sit at home and draw any design you want and have a tattoo inker put it to your skin. Isn’t that like me handing a rough sketch to Picasso to have him paint it in his style. Who is the artist there?
The stigma of tattoos are gone. But the older one gets, the more they see risk. People with tattoos are inherently risky. The fact that a casting agent has to show you to the director is risky to them. “What’s with the fucking tattoos?!” No one ever says “What’s with the NO TATTOOS!” Think about it.
And before you get on my case about expression and yada-bada-bada…sure. Expressed all you want. But this town doesn’t run on your schedule, you run on theirs. And if you think that’s fair, why is it never fair to consider what a dumb thing tattoos are when it limits you in every job. I had  this discussion. People with sleeves of ink. Exactly what world are you trying to get kicked out of. His position: “well, they have no interest in the jobs that would judge you on tattoos.” Fair enough. But you really limit yourself as you get older. The hipper service jobs dig that you have ink and can bartend, these are the same that get out of prison and get halfway house jobs. Then have to contend with that ink in the grey bar hotel as well.
There are more downsides to tattoos than there are NOT to have tats. You may have a ice-breaker with sleazy sexy tramps…but they won’t stick around to see if you get the next acting gig.
Listen, they can cover up your ink for movies (harder now with HD). But you’re NO Johnny Depp…yet. So why hobble yourself.
I’m here to help.

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