Thursday, August 4, 2016

"Suicide Squad" Don't Commit Suicide!

I'm not sure how bad this movie is, but there is no way it could be worse than "Deadpool" or "Captain America: Civil War." I'm giving it a chance, but...who knows. I like that bad guys going after bad guys.

Critics and viewers are starting to pile one. Not sure about this. You almost have to catch a wave or get crushed in the process. It didn't help that director/writer David Ayer told Marvel to go fuck themselves. I agree. Marvel is a mess, that the public seems to enjoy. This is why I hate the public. I don't have specific hate, just...collectively they are morons. Movies are hard to make. Harder to impress people. It's become a high school popularity contest. Imagine the kid today who went to school and was perplexed as to why everyone loved "Deadpool" when he saw everything wrong with it. Think he'd speak up? Fuck no. He'd be stoned out of the village.

It seems there are some movies that get a pass. "Guaradians of the Galaxy" is a dull mess. Not sure what they were chasing nor what the hell was going on...and Chris Pratt isn't that funny. False bravado charm? Who knows. It bored me. Because I can tell everything is computer generated. So, this is the world we live in now. Sure, "Suicide Squad" is being squashed. In a vacuum, there are going to pockets of people silently championing this movie. But they won't speak up. Why? You mark yourself as the type people don't want to speak with. I don't entirely expect you to agree with my choices as to why a movie is good or bad. Though I wouldn't boot you from my village either. In the comic book universe, people are so...well, let's face it, it's Red Bull'd to the gills.

ALL comic book movies are horrid now. ALL. I'm not joking. There is no story in any of them. Or retread of "military bad-hate-different-people" scenario. Which obviously speaks to nerds and geeks. Now it's permeated the adult world. And the critics can't let this movie stand alone. It needs to be in the same junkpile of comic book movies. Are any Marvel stories better? Nope. Perhaps this is DC attempting to be "different." I don't know. It seems intriguing enough. Despite Heath Ledger's absence as the Joker (a character I've always felt lacked depth...which most nerds would argue...that's the point, dummy).

Keep in mind, studio people are really epic idiots. A single phone call of despair means a billion people hated their movie. This is how they think. So a media frenzy means a regime is going to change. Unless money is being made. Then they don't give a flying fuck about you. They don't. They know you have a wallet or piggy bank. So, it's no doubt this movie will make money, but always surprise the outrage of DC comics vs. Marvel. It's manure versus fertilizer. Same thing.

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