Sunday, August 21, 2016

Closing Words On "Nick's Van"

The movie is finished and it is now in screening mode. Yes, the process has closed for me. Everything is locked. The Digital Cinema copy is ready to be sent out. I've uploaded for film festival consideration. Will continue to shell out dough for entries. And so forth.

I woke up this morning, INCREDIBLY lifted. A weight of a project that had been haunting me for a while. Sitting on my drive. Waiting for me to re-discover it. I told my friend, who colored it for me, that I think it required that I exit the movie for a term, because...big was an exorcising of a demon of sorts.

See, I really like having to re-discover something I've done. In the heat of battle it is impossible for me to see the forest through the trees. I'm not sure why. But to be removed from it for a while gives me an interesting perspective. I ruminate on the project now and am marveled by the nuances. IT IS A NUANCE movie. Subtle in the dialogue which seems throwaway but does have a purpose. This is not a marketable movie, when it comes to watch-a-bility. I'm going to be honest. It's not a movie someone can just put on and have in the background. To be fair, neither is a movie like "Airplane!" Strangely enough, both require you watch in a theater to get all the little things. Things I needed time to forget and NOT hit over the head. I was reminded by my friend the little things I've thrown into the script I completely forgot. And it comes to play again. A full story with set-up and payoff.

I'm so very proud of this project for a few reasons. This is a 35mm film project that is sync sound which I hadn't made since...2002. Everything up until that point had been backyard digital camera stuff, made for our own entertainment. This is a big deal because the last time I did this I had about $25,000 unlimited (for short films) production and the support of the university. Sitting on top of a crane with the same camera I used for this movie. Back then I was really in the midst of my heaviest drinking too.

The second thing is...I did it with the one thing I thought didn't exist in Los Angeles. Supportive friends. Enthusiasm got us further than I realized. And I am eternally grateful.

Will it win awards? Strong possibility. It's well made. And that's just not me. It's a film film. I mean, shot on film. And...when screened (I wasn't there for the conversation) many were surprised it was done by...a no-budget production. These are people who watch Hollywood blockbusters daily. So...pretty stoked about that.

Well, it belongs to the people now. And they will decide. I am proud of it. I tell my friend when she gets down about her projects..."look, we're doing it and they're not." That makes me ridiculously giddy, because I get to do it.
...and I get to do it on my terms with my friends.

So without sound more like an acceptance speech, I'm going to move on to the next thing. My directing heroes don't let moss grow, I shouldn't either.

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