Monday, September 29, 2014

Ya' Old Fuck

One of the benefits of getting older is telling people what the fuck is on your mind. Most people over the age of 60 can be as racist as they want. Who are they trying to impress? Which is good and bad, since ...if you've got family, it blows for them, because you end up embarrassing them. But is fun for you because you get to really tell people what you feel. And watch them squirm.

Usually it's terrible things based on where you live. For instance, in Ohio, I recall going to a holiday dinner one time when a friend's old relative kept staring at me. Finally she blurted out to me "My gosh, you're hair is black. It's like almost purple!" To which the girl was aghast at such a comment. I laughed my ass off. Because...I know one day I will be that old and I will get to say whatever terrible things to whomever I want. Quite frankly, I'll probably be worst. Here I am at 40 years, hating everyone in life. EXCEPT the one I find useful. Which is, at this point in life, really rare. Yeah, I'm a shit bag. Because I'm tired. And burned out. And don't require anyone's presence to fulfill me.

I think in the scheme of life, people would like to create circles of relationships. At my age, too many people have moved on with their lives. They could give a flying shit what you're up to. I'm only speaking on behalf of how I feel about a lot of stories I'm forced to listen to. And holy god almighty if I have to deal with a girl in my life that wants to share anecdotes about what color beads go with what dress. PLEASE FUCKING KILL ME at that point.

Yes, I'm ornery and shitty. I've been more or less anti-social now that I don't care about being social. It's actually liberating. Not giving a shit. By the time I hit 60, I'll probably be so disgusted by society, I'll take a flying leap off a bridge like my mentor Tony Scott did.

He probably told many people what they could do with themselves in that undisclosed letter shortly before swan diving off the Thomas Vincent. Man...I can't wait.

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