Friday, September 26, 2014

Secret To Happiness

I've discovered the key to your happiness. This is real. Lean in real close, because it's what you've been waiting to hear. It isn't money. It isn't a hot spouse...'s living your life without having to answer to anyone.

The key to most of our disappoints, anger and sense of depression in life is ALWAYS...being accountable. And I don't mean barrel rolling over people, I mean the opposite. That nagging feeling that you have to answer to others. Be it girlfriend/boyfriend, job or kids. Whatever it is, we were meant to be individual beings.

Now before any of you get on my case about how people live longer with spouses/relationships. Yes, I agree with that. You will live longer. However, consider what the tail end of "longer" means. Is it really quality of life at that point? Have you not heard enough of the same stories over and over again? Do you have the patience to have to deal with others? IF you aren't accountable to others, you can be in your own piece.

Now consider your employer. You will ALWAYS be accountable for showing up on time. Your other colleagues. Deadlines. And so forth. This leads to resentment. All of this leads to resentment. So the natural solution is to live life your own way.

I get that you feel this takes money. Hold on, money is fine, but money is what is possibly the root of accountability. Shit, even the word has "account" in it. I like having money. It didn't kill me when I didn't have any. It leads to a sorta' temporary solution. Such as paying bills. Getting nice things. Funding your hobby. BUT, I argue, a LOT of these things can be accomplished without being at the mercy of money.

Money creates a value system I despise. Because you earn so much, people "value" your existence. I find this disturbing. I think it should be the opposite. The more you earn, the more you've been enslaved. I take pity on people who do this. UNLESS, yes...big caveat, most people get to a point where the money is not the sole reason you do what you do, but it just so happens it's what you get.

I think I'm overpaid for what I do. I'll be the first to admit. BUT, I am held accountable to a lot. The responsibility is what people seem to value. I don't like the feeling of answering to anyone. So, my goal is to do something that I do love to do (duh). I like that my schedule is my own. Looking back on a past (long-term) relationship, it's liberating not to have to be anchored down by anyone. This also leads to resentment. I do feel many of people my age are starting to feel that. That the alternative to living for others is to let go of past ideals of family and relationship. I feel people coming to the conclusion that they like not having the responsibility of an adult.

If you want to be happy, shed accountability.

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