Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Beasts Of Burden

I sing in my car to distract me from the very frightening reality of Los Angeles traffic. One song that stands out in regards to the lyrics is "Beast of Burden" by The Rolling Stones. As I was singing it, I started to slow down on the 405 freeway. Yes, we hear what we want in lyrics, but it is truly inspiring in that you won't ever slough the load for another person just because they want you to. You won't change people's views of who you are, so he challenges all his flaws. What more can a person want? Can you be rich enough? Can you be better looking? None of this matters because the person is being empowered by NOT changing. You want it. It's all in the raw. Take it or leave it.

I often think about why we change for people so that they'd care for us. Many people have this mixed up view that they need to live up to certain expectations or get validated by the ones they lust after. For if they are rejected, then the world rejects them. It's a cliche, but we're all passing ships in the night, blindly blowing our horns expecting another to respond. We're never suppose to be happy. We're suppose to be always having things out of reach. I think the ones who are content, understand this concept.

That brings me to self-improvement. It's hard enough when we don't get validation at our work. Or in our love lives. Especially in our minds. It's frustrating that we grasps at straws to communicate these things to people we truly want to understand us. We share laughs. Adventures. And love. Doesn't even seem good enough anymore. Ever think we find our mates so that we expect all our problems to be solved? We can only share so much before we become bores.

Reading Dale Carnegie. Many people know his book "How To Make Friends And Influence People". The core idea seems to be that everyone...chiseled in stone....EVERYONE wants to feel important. Today...I'm going to go out and make one person feel important. You master that...you master the universe.

6th Day of Sobriety:
154lbs (tan line still there..argh)

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