Sunday, August 12, 2018

NFL Kneeling Again

As if the NFL couldn't get more stupid, the players are threatening to kneel during OUR national anthem...again.

None of them knelt anywhere else on the off-season. See how that works? No money or sponsorship for it. Too much hassle.

While it's fine to express your distaste for police brutality, you have to wonder, if this hasn't had darker consequences. For instances, Chicago, Illinois is experiencing awful violence. My guess...police aren't showing up. Why? The chances of them getting into an altercation, getting sued and losing their jobs and getting protested goes up. Now you see the repercussions. Silly how people CAN'T see what it does if you shit on the cops. Which, fine if you do...then what's the solution? Do nothing? Let criminals run amok. Because that's where they are now.

Why not kneel against gang violence? Black on Black crime? Inequity in sports pay versus teachers? That's what angers Americans. Real Americans. People like Colin Kaepernick makes this about himself. How is he not pushing more of his agenda anywhere public? Marching along side the movement he apparently started. Disappeared like an arsonist who started a fire and let it burn to his delight. Fuck Kaepernick. Loser. He was a subpar quarterback who lost his position. This isn't about inequity in treatment of the Black community, it was about him getting back into the league. Why else sue them. If I were Kaepernick, I'd say I was suing the NFL and giving the money...all of it to the community that pushes for harmonious life in the inner city of wherever the fuck he's from. THAT would get the nation behind him. Nope, this is a payday. By the way, Mark Geragos, the fucking scheister dick lawyer who thinks this is about a cause, you are a sociopath. Most defense lawyers are. They justify criminal behavior and capitalize on it. Go fucking die in a fire in your mansion built on...oh wait, you can't feel guilt. Scheister.
Any way, kneel if you want, and lose more fans. I stopped watching a lot of the games a while back. As a Cincy Bengals fan, it wasn't that hard. The fuckwad dumbshit owner Mike Brown continues to stick it to us. So fuck him. Old fuck. Kneeling or not, the players entitlement seriously has turned my gut. When I watch these players now, they seem...less like real players. They're phonies. Too many rules during game play, too many regulations as to what is a catch or helmet to helmet violence and so forth. It's because we've genetically altered ourselves so much. In all honesty, it's like watching a video game. And it's getting boring. College seems to be different. I'm sure it's not pure, but there is a purity in spirit. At least they're willing to play the facade.

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