Monday, August 6, 2018

Dumbass Chicago

Are we done pretending like any Leftist knows what the FUCK is going on? The poor city clocked in 70 shootings over the weekend and 8 to 11 deaths. Also, they've already passed the 300 murder mark and the year just became half way over.

THIS, people, is what happens when the Left take over. You know why this happens? The people who cater to the inner city make promises they can't keep to people they think don't understand. Guess what? They proved that theory correct. The politicians who are Left/Democrats befriend the inner city because they think they're that stupid. Get their vote, then let them kill each other off. That is sick. Think about it, in all this violence, Obama hasn't spoken about it (his hometown), Hilary...nope... They have fucked themselves royally. Also consider the other cities that are liberal...that would be Baltimore, Detroit and New York. More violence than ever. I know, the Left would probably say "in a big city there are more murders than rural areas." But they continue to break records and the Democrats continue to be in charge. Here's an idea, dump these assholes who have fucked you over because they know you HAVE to vote for them or your family disowns you. OR...keep going down the spiral.
Seems you are ready to go down with the ship, rather than admit failure. Pride fucks with you.

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