Monday, August 20, 2018

Asia Argento, the Sex Predator

How is it when Harvey Weinstein got busted, they couldn't make enough references to Shrek. Meanwhile now Argento is wrapped up in a sexual assault against a teen whom she'd paid off for his silence. Hearing this, Rose McGowan.
A friend of mine recently went to a party where he saw Kanye West kibbutzing wth Brad Pitt. A secret underground party. The truth is, they're all phony. Money is the motivator, but's perception. Attention, drama and perception. None of these celebs really believe politically what they're crowing about. This is simply to continue getting the limousine Leftist loot. Shit, I'll say gay marriage is the best thing if they bought me a Holmby Hills mansion.
But they're rich famous and phony. Yeah, they most likely got manhandled, but they were willing to accept the check that comes with living well.
Hollywood has always been one fat casting couch that beautiful women can't seem to grasp. There are a TON of them just walking the street like everyone else. So the luster isn't the same anymore.
That said, you have to wonder the mentality of someone who goes after sexual predator after knowingly being one herself. And, as I've mentioned in prior blatherings, Anthony Bourdain being complicit in the cover-up. As I've said, that junkie loser was scummy when I listened to him. Something in the way he spoke. I never watched anything he's done, so the public seems to be enamored wth his travels. He seemed like a colossal douche. Well, I'm right again (douchey).

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