Monday, August 6, 2018

Fascinating Disappearance of Mollie Tibbetts

Who cares.
Really? It's a personal thing and now it's gained national attention every fucking day. Sorry for your loss but she is so dead's not even funny.
I know this sounds callous but what makes her missing so much more newsworthy than anyone else. That she's a pretty White girl in rural Iowa? Or that nothing like that happens in these towns. Yeah, it's awful, but c'mon "journalist" we know the outcome. We've seen it pretty much on every damn murder mystery. What makes this so much more headlining? It's annoying. And pretty soon, there will be more asshats like me that hope she is found dead. Because then what would the news narrative be? How about this..."News and Social Didn't Do Shit to Save Her"
That would be the truth.

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