Saturday, June 18, 2022

Matt Damon And Fargs

Matt Damon enjoys saying "faggot" But then he supposedly grew up. Look, if you grew up in Boston, I would guess the three first words you learned were "Momma" "Poppa" or "faggot" I think if you're from Northern Massachusetts you say "Half-A-Fag" I remember being called that once, and I felt relieved not being a full fag. Seems most gay folk don't like being called that. But, when gays act really gay, I've heard that they will call each other "fags" for that reason. So for Matt Damon to call his pals that seems to be part in parcel to busting chops. Which we use to do until society became cancelling. Man, did we have fun. Nowadays you can't speak your mind. Because most of us think of the stupidest stuff. Yeah, we probably shouldn't say half the shit we say, but if it's funny, why not. I do know a guy who tends to press the envelope of bad taste. That guy annoyed me because he was always "on" BUT, it stands to reason I appreciated people like him existed. It wasn't for me to stop what he wanted to say. It was for him to stop saying it because polite society starts to stay clear of him. For me, say what you want. Calling me a "chink" or "Chinaman" is harsh, but it isn't going to kill me. And it makes you look bad.

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