Monday, January 25, 2021

Skin In The Game

 I heard this from comedian Bryan Callan and it makes sense. This from a book he read about people who have a lot to say but have no investment into the outcome. In other words college professors and politicians, and to be honest...middle aged White women.

Here's the deal. Most vocal of all talks about racial inequities come from people who have no skin in the game. They don't have to deal with the results. Only that they need a purpose in life. And most of their lives are miserable (I'm adding this) comfortable idiots who feel you need them to save you. White middle aged women have know...savior complex. As do woke college educated White men.

You know who doesn't have time to think about racial inequities? People who work or are trying to find work.

Which is why a 47 year old idiot career politician like Joe Biden panders to these idiots. And the ones who control media have no idea, the long term damage they inflict on people who just want to work.

Am I saying Donald Trump knew? No. But at least he was listening to them. Or tried to change things for that demographic. Biden (more accurately his cabal) have NO idea how working class works. He has no skin in the game. Neither do "educators" because they've failed in the real world.

The "real world" doesn't give a flying fuck about your feelings. In "Remember The Titans" Denzel Washington's character says it outright when Will Patton coddles the Black player who Denzel just chewed out. He wasn't helping by patronizing the kid. The "real world" does not care if Petey gives up on a play.

IF you are to treat a man as an equal, equality means all the ugliness that is involved. The world treats us all in ugly ways. And if we aren't prepared, you will not survive. Worse, you paint yourselves as victims.

College was like that. A safe haven from the ugly world. Most college students are beyond privileged and spoiled. They can afford college or found ways to afford it. Coddled by the warmth of institutional structure. Life is NOT like that. Get it through your fucking skull: the real world at ground level will not coddle you. It took me forever to learn this because all college taught me was that I had time to dick around and that I wasn't about to accept anything less. This is why you get a lot of 25+ year olds marching in the streets to injustices. It's not that they are treated unjust, it's that they perceive real world as not seeing their genius. Can you puke anymore?

IF these professors had real skin in the game, they would teach them that they will have to work harder than anyone else. That the warm bosom of school structure will not protect them from the realities of the pain of rejection. That others are better, smarter than you. That you have to make painful sacrifices.

In a way, our movie business is the same warm bosom. Once you get in, of course.

Once you break in (like an Ivy League school) most tend to coast. Get comfortable. Realize this is WRONG. You have to continue to challenge yourself. It gets harder the older you get. And that wisdom will come from that. By putting skin in the game, you will change your outlook on what you think is unjust (hint: it is all unjust).

Putting skin in the game means you think differently. You don't want to be coddled and won't do any coddling. That is the harsh reality you NEED to face.

Most of my class (in film school) have quit. Some have become teachers. They indoctrinate the world on how "unfair" the system is. Which has some truth. But that is reality. IF they were to tell the students how awful the injustices are they about to face, they are painted as bitter. I know some of you see me as that. I'm not. I still get to do what I love and do it on my terms. The real bitterness are towards the people who see their shortcomings as the result of the system. I found the system to treat me fairly. I have skin in the game now, to push my own agendas. That of filming on celluloid film. A passion I am, gratefully, allowed to pursue. For the rest of you, I hope you find what it is you've been lacking.

Don't fall for the ones who can only say and not do.

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