Saturday, August 3, 2019

El Paso Shooting

I need to apologize on behalf of Hollywood.
They won't say it because they'll blame guns. I blame violence. Reckless, head smashing desensitizing laughable violence.
And it's awful.
For Caucasian men between the ages of 19 and 36 and that one Asian at Virginia Tech, please don't ever get a gun, don't ever have a gun anywhere near you and don't ever think about a gun. Regardless of the hate you have in your heart, you probably convince yourselves that you can handle your can't. Burn in fucking Hell. Because you can't handle shit.
People have to know certain things about themselves, for instance why I will NEVER own a gun. Recently, I have considered it, since where I live has been getting a lot of horrible crime. But I know that I have a disgusted streak on humanity that requires I don't ever need a firearm.

And yeah, gun nuts will call me retarded. But, how can I set an example without following it.

Violence has been shown in Hollywood in the most awful ways. And I'm not entirely sure people TRULY see the anguish it causes. Lives are destroyed. People will need to move on from awful grief. My short rub with death recently has shown me how destructive a void creates. And, look, I'm probably saying this to deaf ears.

We are meant to die in our beds (hopefully under some young tits). NOT in a Wal-Mart gunned down by a virgin asshole. I am so sickened now, by what my industry has created. Violence against people in real life doesn't have a do-over. That is the end. And we need to feel empathy for this.
Please, consider this.

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