Monday, February 18, 2019

What People Aren't Saying About The Academy

We can't have suitable things without it being ruined by politically correct crybabies. Very few people have been talking that ever since Will Smith and Jada Pinkett whined their asses about lack of diversity the Academy bragged about (forcefully) adding more black, brown and women. In fact the president is a black woman.
Has it occurred to anyone this new shit show is the result of these dopes being added.
Now I get having diversity and having diverse film...because you know...Black music isn't the most influential in America...movies need to be controlled as well. What do we get? Best Picture nomination that are nonsensical to dumb obvious.
To be fair, social media can't let s movie be a movie anymore. It has to fulfill all the requirements of the fuckface outraged. Garbage human beings who can't enjoy s movie for a story. Saddle thst with guilt ridden white voters and you get Mexican cinema being nominated whenever available. Alfonson Cuaron's flick "Roma" is a nice day in a life...but it's not American cinema. It's American cinema to fucking lame wad crusaders to stick it to Trump because he doesn't want any more of them hopping the border. Guess what celebrating this film TWICE does? Gets a conservative president elected (perhaps this is the plan).
Hollywood is not going to win targeting the major cities with their Lefty agenda. So this is why the outrage.
This new Academy regime are incredibly dumb. It's overthinking the ceremony because of media pressure. It really draws more light on how insignificant the awards really are.
We can't have nice things.

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