Wednesday, February 6, 2019


My friend steered me towards a VHS collector's Facebook page, which is where I met Allie.
We chatted online about things like...mixed tapes and videotapes. She also has a phony Facebook name, like myself. And has a hilarious profile.
She is fascinated by snuff films and odd porno. Odd girl. Which is when I discovered she was only 26. Here's the thing, prior to joining the site, I'd told my friend that there were probably old fat bald guys on that site. Not so! He told me. In fact, under 30 year olds are collecting VHS cassettes. Unreal. VHS players are "in" again, apparently to the Millenials.
She also started telling me this fascinating story of her sexual assault.

Now, that is a TON of information to be giving to a complete stranger, which is clear she most likely suffers from borderline personality disorder. This is typical. But she is fascinating. Thing with these women are how interesting they are. Uninhibited in all facets of life. The freedom to tell people the way it is with no filter is enticing. Most women in this town have this quality, as they want to experience EVERYTHING about life, but are also deeply damaged.

A few more words exchanged and now I'm writing a screenplay based on her life. It's fascinating. And it got me thinking about perspective.

I really have zero knowledge of the new kids lifestyle. It's so odd that some can fuck and run. Like this generation knows their lifespan is short and can't waste it to, do things with any level of courtesy. Calling or texting or even talking gathers no traction with this age group. Though most have lived sheltered lives, it still baffles me when they regale me with stories of abuse. With the new media, you do assume most would be broadcasted. Not so.
But it's fascinating knowing what young women go through in this era of technology. A ton are requested for nude photos. And for whatever reason, most girls will do it. Perhaps we were the last generation to have a modicum of shame. Or perhaps they learn this later in life. It's difficult to conclude where this behavior stems from other than women are getting a bigger platform to express their sexuality despite being labeled by the public.
This perspective is very fascinating to me. Especially as she's offered to give me the inside scoop of how young women REALLY talk to one another when we're not around.

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