Monday, March 21, 2022

The Word "Retarded"

In this day and age, only a retard would think the word "retarded" pertains to them. Pretty arrogant, if you ask me. Most people are retarded. Especially Lefties. They're especially slow on the uptake when it comes to the retards they support. Oh wait, they don't support other Lefties they just hate Righties. Dumb fucks. Any way, people have been retard shaming the word "retarded" To point out to someone that the use is hurtful is shaming. See the retarded rabbit hole we go down? Yeah, I know you are doing this to spare feelings. And frankly I don't use the term "retard" unless the person does something really retarded. It isn't a term meaning a retarded person because that was a word you've labeled certain people and now tell us we can't use. If anything, you're the ones who have an issue. It's also not because the word is offensive. I've been called "retarded" a few times and I just laugh. Yeah, I know, it's because deep down inside I know I'm not retarded. But most retards don't know they are. I think more progressives don't want anyone to use the word, because they know they're retarded. So, there's that. This blog is retarded.

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