Wednesday, March 2, 2022

National Women's Month

Well, it's that time of the month again... Women's Month. Not sure what we do here except to remind others how women contributed to society. You know, because recognition of women doing things for the country men also do isn't equality at all. I've said it from day one, in order for don't need to be recognized for shit you should already be doing. Once we start to celebrate individual accomplishments REGARDLESS of sex, religion, color...then we are equal. I have me a dream! So women...what have you done for society? A ton. But mostly for yourselves. Or, because it's a choice. For instance, gratitude for having kids ISN'T for society to cherish. Your kids are probably shitbags. Especially my generations' Mothers. Gen-X Moms are THE most care-less people on the planet. Their kids do what they want based on their whims. I recall my Mom, upon hearing my flight of fancy, shrugging that shit off. In other words, you want to do that shit, you go out and earn it. Gen-X Moms get involved. Not only get involved, REALLY make their kids suffer in their involvement. Perhaps this is the deterrent. Okay, so I've also said in the past, once you start getting kicked in your crotch (referred to as 'the cunt punt') in movies and the audience laughs...we will have equality. Until then, I'm staying clear of most women in L.A. They tend to like to nag about stuff. Having an entire month to nag is like a license to murder.

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