Thursday, July 25, 2019

We're All Full Of Shit, An Ode to Rutger Hauer

I was disheartened to learn of actor Rutger Hauer's death at the age of 75. I remember him from two pictures..."Blade Runner" and "Blind Fury"
Also interesting is that he died the same year as his character did in "Blade Runner" His Nexus 6 Roy Batty died in 2019 as well.

I wasn't a crazy fan of his, but I know how serious he was in his craft. The other thing, he didn't suffer...fools. Boy, stories about him are nutty. Specifically one where he showed up to the audition of "Blade Runner" decked out like some 80's mod rock nut. Director Ridley Scott got the joke later.
To me, he epitomized working at the edge of fame and functioned great. A leading man who always consider himself a character actor. A lesson there...or is it?...

If you work in Hollywood long enough...
...and you listen long enough...
you will conclude that we are all full of shit...

A director I admire greatly, would tell stories of old Hollywood with a lesson at the end of it that he learned. The tale is probably as bullshit as anything, but it was meant to help with navigating through the pits of snakes.
We are all bullshitters out here. Eventually we even forget we are doing it. I do it, no question. I tell my tales, like on this blog. You have to conclude that we also are very very insecure. These tales are simply to say how we got to be so disenfranchised by the business (because it is). But also, to remember all the great times of a bygone era (I am a 40's/50's Hollywood with a 60's production spirit).
And it's all perception. For all you know I am writing this from Gloria Swanson's old mansion or dictating it to an assist (I actually do miss having an assist...another story years ago). But I'm sure most people would be a little surprised that I live in a one bedroom in Van Nuys alone with a decent coffee maker. Only because I talk so big.

If you are new here, it's perfectly okay to listen to these nutty old people stories. Most of you will feign interest anyway as we rattle off names you've never heard of (important people that you should, if care). But we're also all in our own worlds. I'm constantly battling new people who want to work in this business about a work ethic (regardless of you age ALWAYS fulfill what you promise...your name and reputation are SO important).

Also, know who you are. If you are a bullshitter, get that phony survival skill garbage out. You know..."don't bullshit a bullshitter.." you are in an arena of them. They can hear it and smell it before you even say it. And you're done (happened to me on an interview for a directing job...sniffed out my inexperience immediately). Be honest (I know, in Hollywood, right?). Seriously though. Once you establish yourself as that, people like you. Being honest isn't the same as being a sucker. Most of the washouts were REALLY dishonest people. Most likely, to this day, they believe their bullshit.
Guess who never believed in Hollywood's bullshit?
Rutger Hauer
Rest well, Roy...your moments won't be lost in time.

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