Saturday, July 20, 2019

Minister Of Truth

Okay, you film school feebs, listen up...I am the minister of get that bong out of your mouth, your finger out of that ear, nose or pussy and hear what I am saying...
...the truth of working and living in L.A. isn't what you've been fed by any of your teachers (unless your teachers are you parents). The truth is, you suck. You all suck. Everything you do sucks. But it has potential. We are all about potential. Potential means you don't rest on your laurels. And for whatever reason...most of you dumb film school peeps think people need to come to you. It's arrogance, for sure. Ignorance...definitely.

I get it. I went to film school.
Here's what happened...I partied. Hard. Went to strip clubs. Fucked with dumb freshman girls who loved the graduate students. Drank a ton. And made movies. We definitely cared. But, I wonder what would've become of me had I not fucked around so long.
After school, I sat around in Sherman Oaks, scared out of my shit that I didn't have a job. In terms of reality, it was expensive to live in Los Angeles then, it sure as shit now.
So a few of you, after school, decide to live with one another. One by one, you either a) betray each other with the rent b) can't afford to live there anymore and find some complete stranger that fucks your living arrangement up c) move out yourself
In my case, I stuck around while shitty people came in and out. For ten years.
Most won't last that long. Because a lot of you won't have that much passion for it, or burn out or have families. Spouses won't ever understand. Maybe if they work in the business, they may, but it grates on them none the less. And for what... ?
Yes, that is the question I asked myself for the 18 to nearly 20 years I've been here. For what?
Until I finally answered it...which won't be your answer.
I figured it out and have never been more content and happy with my choice.
IF your choice is to work in the movie business, if you're fucking around, blowing people off, not fulfilling what you promised, most of us won't meet you halfway. Regardless of what things you are promised, PEOPLE will figure you out fast.
And from what I gathered thus far...all I see is a lot of hot air.

It makes perfect sense why film school teachers give up. They realize the ones learning have very limited appreciation for the work that goes behind it (I spent, nearly all of my years in school on a soundstage). This sacrifice eventually paid off. Hopefully they will figure it out too.

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