Sunday, December 9, 2018

Kevin Hart, Ex-Academy Emcee

This gig probably sucks to high heaven, at this point. Comedian Kevin Hart was asked to apologize about his standup routing near 10 years ago making light of how he would bust his son's head if he came out as gay. Of course, the Velvet Mafia can't stand for that. So they gave him an ultimatum, issue and apology or we'll dump you. He did the most extraordinary thing...he quit. THEN issued an apology.
I've a gay associate who took me to task about his apology. He stated that he would feel awful and would do his best to fix the hurtful statements he made (as a comedian). I think he's a hysterical dramatist who thinks people would accept this. Nope. IT IS NEVER ENOUGH. What my friend doesn't understand is, the statements aren't the issue, it's the fact that he doesn't change because you ruin his career (or whatever). He did fine. In fact, excelled after 2008 (to my dismay). I've never found Kevin Hart funny, nor the bit about beating the gay out of his son. You know who did? Black people. What people truly haven't grasp and where the confusion comes in, and what I can only credit Larry Elderd about is this...Black people share more with Conservative values than with the Left. Think about how much community means to the Blacks, in their churches, in their neighborhoods, in every facet of life. Much more than I've seen in Whites. They are super religious. The reason Obama didn't want gay marriage is because he wanted their vote. Does that sound like a Liberal stance? They're against abortion. It's not God's will. Somehow, the Democrats got into their mind that they're are the victims of oppression. That was the point wasn't it? To subjugate the Black community to say that they have always been the downtrodden while offering no real solution. They build low income urban housing...victim. Free clinics...victim. Door to door welfare was Lyndon Johnson thing. They desperately want the Black community to be at their mercy. Which is why they celebrate single parent household. Why? So they can fleece them. Obama, bless his dumb heart, was a puppet. He knew how they reacted. See a Black Democrat, the Democrats are good to them. That's dumb. That's like me wanting to live in an all Asian community because I want the fire department to look like me. Democrats knew. That's why Hillary lost. She couldn't sustain the "deplorable" states that were Black.
Back to Kevin Hart...

...I'm glad he stood his ground against these fucking hypocritical homos. They think because he says these things, he must be homophobic. That's laughable, because I could never imagine him willingly discriminate against anyone. Not because he's Black and feels sympathy, but because he is a family man (conservative). The traditional family dynamic is mother and father. Sorry, gays...that's how children are procreated. Not in some fucking lab.

But I get that they are trendy. And fun. And boozy. And have shiny rich stuff. Whilst most of the rest of the country wakes up and works, most of these celebs think very little about the common man. They wake to attempt to make some difference in their agenda (whatever that may be). Their pushback is...uh...what? We Hate Trump? This is why most Americans support Kevin Hart. Remember when Dave Chapelle took off from Comedy Central when they offered him $52 million to stay for his show. His principles wouldn't allow him to take money from White folk who didn't laugh the right way at his skits. You admired these principles then. Most thought he was nuts, but it made you wonder why. I don't think Kevin Hart is going to dance for anyone. Good for him!

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