Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Ya Big Dummy

People who come to Hollywood have dreams in their heads. Some just have no other purpose. IF your main goal is to make movies or be in movies, Hollywood is a great bootcamp. You get your ass kicked and if you survive you get to work for us. The key to surviving is not doing dumb things. Too many people come here doing dumb things. The least of all thinking living life at the edge is romantic. It's not. Never has been. Those stories of George Clooney, Michael J. Fox or whomever living in their cars until they were discovered is the exception not the rule. For some odd reason, it seemed to have gained traction. Which is why the homeless community blew up. Also why they make movies to defend it (like "Nomadland"). Oh she CHOSE to be homeless. Okay. Got it. Eye roll. It's not saying you have to live in a bungalow in Brentwood. It just means you have to survive in order to do things. Or make things. Pretty fucking obvious. But too many stupid people want to do stupid stuff. Other thing I see...people who want to come to Hollywood when they already made their films elsewhere. This I don't get. Okay, you made a pretty decent film in your hometown and...now you want to come to Hollywood where it is infinitely more difficult. Okay, I can see you want the challenge. BUT, I never understood that concept of...if you made a flick anywhere, why not keep doing it there? I mean, yeah weather. Perhaps they feel they need to conquer the mountain of Hollywood (which is imploding, by the way...not imploding in terms of staying in business, but in terms of show to business model) I have a reason personally. In my day back in 1998 you HAD to come to L.A. to get anything done. Now there is no reason to come here. Unless you like high rent and homeless. Look at what is in front of you. If you are resourceful, everything you need is right there in front of you.

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