Thursday, April 22, 2021

The Columbus Police Officer Saved A Black Girl

 Oh boy.

Here we go again. White Lefties riling up people to say that a police officer had killed a 16 year old kid.

What word did I leave out?

She was "armed". With a knife. And the cop saved the other girl who was about to be stabbed.

But that's not what the media is calling it. And these morons don't know we see the video.

The fight was insane. A domestic rumble between people that resulted in a man kicking someone in the head on the ground. And the 16 year old, in question, about to stab another girl in the head/throat.

This level of emotion is how people are murdered.

So the cop reacted by shooting the girl and killing her.

Here we go with the talk about how this is police brutality.


Hey idiots, we have the video.

And then the talk about how she should've been tased or tackled.

We have the video.

The Left are absolute retards when it comes to this. You CANNOT spin what our eyes see. You CANNOT re-define facts.

The Left sure like to think so. White Left.

And what's worse...I bet the girl the cop saved ALSO sues the police department.

This is the world the Left have created. A sense of lack of accountability.

Because here's the problem...the police were already there. The animals who were fighting...did...not...STOP. They acted like police don't exist. And wonder why they get the hose.

Now, I am from Ohio. And the state shouldn't play ball like the cowards in Minnesota.

While true we do not want a police state. But some people need people to make them learn how to control themselves. You've failed as parents if your stupid kid is wielding a knife in front of cops about to stab another person. As a parent, you should be ashamed. But that community doesn't seem to have any. And that's why it will never garner the respect they want.

Not from the Left or Right. Honestly. The Right, you can deal with. The Left believe you are children. Like the scene in "Glory" when the Captain watches a group of slaves run rampant in the streets, he snorts "look at a bunch of children" You've proven him right time and time again.

The Left use this to control you. The MINUTE you openly condemn the girl with the knife, is the minute you get real respect. You show you don't tolerate animal behavior.

Instead...Media and mob rule

You White Lefty assholes must be bored.

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