Saturday, April 24, 2021

I'll Never Be An Angeleno

 I know. 

Sounds ungrateful.

But to be honest....I just never felt right here. People here come as dreamers, I suppose. Kind beautiful people but they eventually become ugly people. The people who were born and raised here are really cool people. The people who are transplants are not. They're opportunist.

And it takes a little bit of time to conclude this.

It makes sense. Actors, directors, writers, etc.. They come to L.A. for the weather, sure. But they also come to pursue a dream.

The dream SHOULD include working your balls off. But for most, the truth is typically work. NONE of this is fun. Per se. It's a lot of grind. And most of this town has to deal with these people. The ones who work, anyway.

The place is a grind. And it should be. I warn everyone who thinks they can navigate this business to save themselves the work.

It reminds of that thing most people say...if you took this much effort in any other field of work, you'd succeed. In Hollywood/L.A. not so much. Well, not in entertainment anyway.

Which is why I encourage anyone who wants to work in the film industry to do it in their backyard. There you have massive support of the community that doesn't get to see it that often.

I get if you come here, get your learn on and then go back. That's the right way. But, people talk about opportunities all the time.

Here's the truth, EVEN if you come to L.A./Hollywood, you aren't guaranteed anyone will see your "genius" I've many friends who are massively talented aren't casted or haven't sold a script or made their movies. It happens ALL THE TIME. This becomes discouraging atop everyone telling you your project sucks.

I am NOT discouraging you pursue your passion. But it comes at a price. I am a VERY fortunate person and INCREDIBLY grateful for what I have been able to do. If I were in Ohio, I'm sure I would've made many more things. This time lost, I do regret.

Now, if you're a director or writer...shit's all navigating the garbage of the town. And there's too many garbage people.

I promised myself when I first came out here that I wouldn't be that garbage person. The mover and shaker and say words like "We're in talks with their people" I think that was what I was trying to warn my protege. That if you must make something, YOUR hometown is perfect. Yes, it's a little more expensive, but people are more grateful there. People seem to want to conquer this town like it's the prom queen. To be honest, none of this matters. I can tell you I've worked on over 100 features now. Doesn't matter. It's the next thing. All the time.

To me, do what you need to do wherever you are. Enjoy the life you've been given. You don't need anyone's permission to get out there and KILL IT. Especially not Hollywood.

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