Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Get On My Nerves

 Believe it or not, film people DO get on my nerves.

Specifically when they ask me for advice and I give them the best sensible case scenario, they do the complete opposite and they complain later.

Hey numbnuts...

don't ask me for my advice.

don't bitch and moan when you fuck it up

I understand. I was young and did stupid shit. BUT I never not take the advice of people who knew MORE technical knowledge than me.

I've lost many a connection because I've told people my opinion on things, and they go elsewhere. Perhaps it's the way I tell them. But I give them two things to consider and hopefully that does stick in their craw.

The rest, seriously, go fuck yourselves.

I have a couple of people who hound me for technical support over film stuff. I give them...BASED ON MY DECADES OF WORKING IN FILM, my assessment. Instead, they discount what I say.

These people are morons and will suffer in the long run. NOT because my advice is good or bad, but you don't remotely respect the years that go behind coming to this conclusion. If you're convinced, you're convinced...I guess.

And a lot of people are convinced. I try to save people money. They still don't care. I tell them what is necessary, what isn't. They don't care. And these are the people who DO ask. And supposedly want my input. I understand now why engineers are salty about everything. Dumb people with stupid looking faces ask them stupid questions and then ignore them.

Such as my life as a guru of sorts.

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