Monday, February 22, 2021

Censorship Runs One Way

 If you make art, you are silenced by many things. Directly, they are the voices that you hear that make you question whether or not you should.

This is not art.

The new shift is that if they don't like your message they will silence you. Tech media giants such as Twitter or Facebook does such a thing to direct our cultural world.'s their world. Which is despicable and ugly.

The change is obvious...they don't support Conservative view point. And Hollywood is to blame.

Yet they are also the first to complain.

You guys wanted it, they will come after you. Duh.

What creators online don't understand is that you can scream all you want that Conservatives are the ones who share White supremacists misogynistic, bigoted viewpoints, but once you silence them...the minute you delineate from their script, you are their next target. Get it yet, idiots?

Free speech is America. Media now spends its power and money to change the way you think. That's disgusting. THINK FOR YOURSELVES.

I dropped the Lefty bullshit when I realized they wanted to control the way information is given to you. They are worse than Nazis. You fucking lousy Democrats, because they are insidious. They pretend to be your friends but, in reality, behind closed doors you are sub-human. Everyone is. Because they hate themselves the most.

The minute you drop your self-loathing, you realize how duped you are by these people who pretend to be about free speech but is ultimately about free speech for THEM.

Comedians are facing this the worse now. Sorry, you dumbfucks, you sided with the Lefties. Suck on their intolerance.

There is a balance. The Righties need to know Jesus isn't on their side either. Nor are morality. The most disgusting people are the ones who wave the bible and behind their closed doors molest their kids.

Media is not your friend. It is a funnel to which they want to control. The minute anyone uses links to news, I instantly brand them "morons." The only thing you can do, is to be your best self.

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