Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Stop Being A Phony

 You know that guy who claps you on the back and says "yo, chief, how ya' doin'? Life good?"

Doesn't give a fuck about your life.

The most sickening part of Hollywood, is the lack of sincerity. Sincerity doesn't mean you have to be a shitty person. In fact, the opposite. It means you're genuine. The tone out here is they have the be the most amusing person at all times. It grates on me, and hope I haven't caught this disease. Because, though I don't think I'm the most amusing, I know for a fact you aren't. You are fascinating already as a person. You don't need a clown nose to impress me.

Insincerity rules this town like a stench. And it gets on my nerves. It should grate on you too.

Insincerity is transparent. Most people in entertainment always need to be "on" They can't be human. And their human moments even seem rehearsed. Oh dear god I hope I didn't catch this disease.

It's also hard to tell if you caught this disease because EVERYONE has this way of presenting themselves, it starts to feel normal. Yeah, vomit accordingly.

The point is, do what needs to be done. Be decent to one another. And LOOK OUT FOR ONE ANOTHER. you may think you're in this business as a sole soul, but the reality is being isolated for some time will cause you to not know how to deal with humanity. I've been hanging with someone recently who reminds me that this is all smoke and mirrors.

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