Tuesday, October 20, 2020


 ...How many fucking times do I have to repeat this to people?

People...DO...NOT...LISTEN. And then wonder how they failed in the film business.

Here's the problem...

Everyone who works in this field has a massive ego. Massive egos cannot digest new information without understanding they don't know anything. IF you break down this barrier, you will succeed. Guarantee.

Here's a perfect example.

This fucking moron who asks me film camera questions and I answer about what he needs... KEEPS SENDING ME LINKS TO BATTERIES. Dude, I wrote it in my last email. With photos. And the set up. With a FUCKING VIDEO. No joke. Filmed a video to how my battery set up works and sent it to him. This guy is a complete retard. And to be honest, kind of reached my tipping point to people who can't listen.

Successful people in this business listen. I know too many who don't. A LOT love to argue with me. They are failures.

And it's not like I hold any magic wand to success, it's that it is common sense. Maybe stubborn. Maybe stupid. I think just forthright. And I get it...

It took me a while to change my ways because I would not listen. I was silencing the sound voices with alcohol. Also, the voices who spoke weren't exactly the most intelligent about it either. But see, that's the deal, they seem to think the source of their information lacks validity. Then you wonder why so many people in Hollywood begin their conversation with a resume.

Because smarter people who have cracked the code have something to say. Be open to hear it. Most of you who are struggling now need life affirmations or positive vibes. Nope. You need to adult-up and stop pretending you're going with life as planned.

So I can't emphasis enough about listening. I mean, most of you idiots will probably ignore this advice. Have fun struggling.

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