Wednesday, February 5, 2020

State Of The Union

These things are corny. I kind of remember President Obama's speeches. They were dumb. So is Trump's. This one came under the shadow of an impeachment hearing so I'm sure many people wanted to watch him squirm. The guy's shady as fuck, but is it too much to ask anyone to look into the crookedness of one of our other politicians if our own authorities won't?
I watched bits and pieces, and from what I saw, it was a shit show of Speaker of The House Nancy Pelosi constantly shuffling papers like a moron attempting to throw a tantrum. And Trump's blowhard accomplishments. Laid neatly at his smug, chin in the air manner that makes you want to sock the guy. Both these tools aren't fit to be in government. HOWEVER, I will say, this beats Obama by a gazillion. Obama is a fence rider who is a classic politician. Don't say much about anything. And don't take sides. Though, Senate and House aren't suppose to be partisan, the joy of these moments is the fact that now...the lights in the kitchen turned on and there are cockroaches everywhere. The sense of decorum doesn't exist. And to be honest...that is honest.
Don't shake hands with people you don't like. Paints you to be a phony (all politicians). Don't pretend you are for the people when your net worth puts you in the 1% working in public office (Pelosi, Biden, Obama). Admit when something is going right. Even if the person driving the bus is a jerk.

No one ever treated President Obama in this manner (not in plain sight anyway) and it isn't because he was a nicer better president, it's because the Right played along with them and worked their grievances behind closed doors. With the Left, they're so emotional they can't contain themselves. Seems President Trump pushed the right buttons to expose how the Left really operate. And no one wants to admit it.

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