Monday, February 10, 2020

AMPAS Best Picture Goes To...

...a Korean film?
A fucking Korean film.
How confusing was that? Not only does it win Best Foreign...I mean International Film (like it matters) but Best Picture?
The movie is "Parasite" and it's good but...come's a retread of pretty much EVERY "Three Stooges" plot there is. But done really well.
The movie is overblown. I thought it was fine, and director Bong Joon-Ho seems like a solid dude, but for this to win Best Picture is a slap to the face of the American award.
The Oscar is meant for an American movie. Always has been. Kinda sickening when tradition gets thrown out the window due to "woke" people.

But it's their award to give and I am glad the barrier was broken by an Asian instead of...say Pedro Almovodar's flicks. Dude's a gropey perv filmmaker...which was funny when you're in the 90's, which is where I first saw his films, but sort of grossly outdated in today's climate.

So, good on this flick for earning an award for being somewhat original. And, by the way, I tuned in to watch Joaquin Phoenix win for playing a fed-up clown. No surprise there. He rambled on about something which was pure gibberish and couldn't form a full coherent sentence. The man should get help, something is deeply wrong, but no one in that audience will mention is. Simply because "artists" are suppose to be weird. Nope. The guy is suffering from something. Oversaturation of Earth perhaps?

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