Monday, February 17, 2020

Sentimental Type

I would say, if you work in the movie business, most of us are very sentimental. Even the grips and gaffers.
We got into the business because stories moved us. Storytelling is memory. And memories are nostalgia.
The way we remember things links us to everyone we interact with. Which makes us much more closer in spirit to one another.
I hold onto a lot of memorabilia. A lot of people these days consider it corny, but when something moves you emotionally, you want to connect with it on many levels. Souvenirs from movies, artwork from your child, letters written in college. Again many people these days would consider it corny.
Today is a sentimental day in general. It's an ex-girlfriend's birthday, but more importantly, it's Presidents' Day, the day in which, pre-Trump, celebrated openly. Just kidding about that Trump thing. I think most people don't like him because he carries zero warmth and sentiment. Lesson to be learned there, kids.
Any way, I am sentimental, and it's both a blessing and a curse. Blessing that I'm able to hold onto warm feelings. A curse because sometimes those warm feelings sour. Because life is also about disappointment. Which is where sentiment can thrive. When you don't get a promotion or you hate your job, what do we turn to? Typically, it's to a time where we did get a job or when we loved a job we use to have (my friend believes mowing lawns on the golf course was the best job he's ever had...not going to defend it, but he may have a point). We remember past girlfriends or high school crushes. These warm feelings keep us empathetic only because it is common ground. FOR EVERYONE. All the colors of humanity have sentiment. This is the warmth we pass on to others to warm them when their days are cold. And vice versa. We rely on sentiment to remember how every one of us deserves happiness or contentment. And that we can breath fresh air and enjoy living. Life is too short (a phrase beaten to death) but it doesn't have to be a slog. If you truly hold no resentment or anger in your heart, you will never be a fully evolved human. To pretend these don't exist only presses down on other ugly lies you've lived. But, appreciating the whole berth of life is what makes it worthwhile. And we require sentiment to remind us of it.
It's okay to be sentimental. Hallmark isn't a bad gig.

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