Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Nike and Colin Kaepernick

That's pretty ballsy. And I support this level of defiance. Because, let's be honest, the Left have been a bunch of fucking pussies. As is CK. This lousy tool sack couldn't keep his dumb fucking face shut and STILL gets endorsements. With a message, while sticks it to Donald Trump, also is causing massive outrage (as intended).
You know...the illegal fucker who murdered that Mollie Tibbetts sure believe in banging a white girl. And he seemed to not mind sacrificing everything. Get it yet, putzes?
The first part of "Believe in something..." was all you needed. The second part sticks it to a LOT of your customers. But Nike is global, so perhaps they could give a flying fuck. I, for one, did someone had the balls to present this, even though it means keeping decent people at bay.
Is it any surprise either Portland, OR based Nike wasn't going to mouth off about the kneeling shit?
Imagine if Kaep didn't have a 2-10 record on his way out. Would make more sense to a fading "talent." No one wants distraction from entertainment. Otherwise, fight to shut te entire NFL down, if you truly had a dick. Otherwise it's Kaep looking out for Kaep. And there are really dumb people who are buying into his suppose protest.

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