Thursday, July 19, 2018

You Out'Cho Mind

You know what really makes me laugh at the Left. I, mean the Right have WASPy country club wusses, the Left...
every once in a while I'll check in with the Dan Rather readers. He's the dude who vamps about how awful Trump is and how we're all gonna die under his regime. Sure, Dan...Sure. I mean, he may due to age, but then I guess he wouldn't be lying.
But when you read the responses of directionless Left it's "We miss you Obama!! We love YOU! Come back!!" And so forth.
People...this is why people are jumping ship from the Left. On one hand, you have people desperately trying to distance themselves from being slave owning Whites. Patronizing the Black community. One dashiki short of a full wardrobe. Eating bean pies and looking like some head shop from "I'm Gonna Git You Sucka." White people talked more about "Black Panther" than Blacks. Truth. got me thinking about how where and when in history has there ever been a President of This Here United States where people said that?
You want to fucking know why'?
Because we've never been THIS big of pussies. Yes, you Democrats who loved Obama are colossal fucking pink raw pussies. You folded when his time was up. Cried like bitches (to this day) that he left office. I mean...I can understand if it were Thomas Jefferson. That slave-fucker contributed to the Declaration of Independence, dawg. But fucking Obama? Grow the fuck up. He's a mid-level president notable for being Black. Otherwise...he might as well be Millard Fillmore. Perhaps you're just sticking it to the Trump victory (I feel ya, watching a rich White dude win is vomit inducing). But let's not lose perspective. Let's face it, when you cry over a temp job employee, it's time to re-evaluate your focus in life.

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